Monday, January 24, 2011

Go Nuggets!

A typical conversation at 8:00 am... Fin is sitting on the potty chair.

F  - lifts up the bathroom rug "Hmm, Hmm"
Me - "what are you doing Fin?"
F  - "I'm looking for poops under here. I don't see any right now."
M - "Umm, that's good. I hope there isn't ever any poops under the bathroom rug!"
F  - "Mommy please look under that bathroom rug" - pointing to the one by the bathtub
Mommy lifts up the rug..
F  - "Oh man I don't see any poops under there either. Mommy do you see any poops under there?"
M - "Nope"
F  - "Awww nuts!"

Last night we took the kids to their first Denver Nuggets game (mine too!). We sat up in the nose bleeds, not wanting to waste a bunch of money in case someone had a meltdown and we had to leave early. But what were we thinking with this little Nuggets fan? Of course he loved it! In typical Fin style he sat for the beginning of the game with his ultra-serious face on. He didn't speak or smile, just watched the game and occasionally screamed "GO NUGGETS!". It was so funny.

Then the second half of the game, he made good friends with the 4 twenty year old girls in front of us. They were showering him with compliments as he sang his ABC's several times and told them how handsome he is. Then of course, he couldn't leave out the girl behind us, so they played "peek-a-boo" for nearly 20 minutes. I have to say, if the girls are this crazy over him now, I'm a little nervous for when he's a teenager. Yikes! :)

Little sister was an angel too of course. Babies are always easy to take along to that kind of thing. I think she really enjoyed the booming bass on the music.

Hopefully we'll get to go back in the next few weeks and sit a little closer. Though I was suprised what a good job Fin did with telling the players apart and keeping track of the game from so high. He really is his Daddy's boy.

Baby Ella's big news is that she can sit up in her Bumbo now. We just put her in on Saturday, without thinking she would be able to hold herself up yet, but she does! She uses the high back for neck support after a minute or two, but she just loves it. I think she has been feeling left out until now. I'm afraid she's going to be determined to grow up extra fast...

And lastly, here's a couple new pictures from this weekend :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Weekend with Grandpa and Grandma P.

Nathan's Mom and Dad came to town for a long weekend this past week. It has been so nice having company and some help around the house. This was their first visit with Ellie, so it was very exciting to see them. She was such a little angel the whole time. I wish I could say the same for Mr. Fin, who in typical 2 year old fashion was a crazy mix of sweet and naughty...

 Walking on Cherry Creek Trail and throwing snowballs in the water

 Daddy time 

More snow throwing with Grandpa

Ellie and Grandma snuggle to warm up after playing outside
Nevertheless, we had a great time going out for pizza Downtown, taking a long walk down Cherry Creek Trail, fed the ducks at Wash Park and even went to the Botanic Gardens! Grandma and Grandma went back to Iowa on Monday, and I know Fin is very sad that the house isn't full of constant playmates anymore. I'll have to do my best to entertain him.

 Exploring the rainforest area

 Wagon ride - so exciting!

 This kid needs some winter boots, he's been loving the snow.

 He can't believe I told him it was OK to splash this puddle. You'd think I never let him play with anything from how excited he was!

Fin has been "testing his limits" lately. The other night during bathtime he was splashing like a maniac and flooding the bathroom. After telling him to settle down several times, I pulled him out and asked "why are you being naughty and not listening when Mommy tells you no-no?" He turns around and looks right in my eyes and  says "Because I DON'T want to hear it".  I had to bite my lip and turn my head so fast so he didn't see me cracking up. Then not quite as funny, last night when he dropped his dice on the floor "Dammit Mommy" - Mommy - "What did you just say?"  -Fin- " I said DAMMIT Mommy". Oh great.What a stinker.

Grandma and Grandpa brought him a BUNDLE of Christmas presents and they have all been a huge hit. His favorite toy right now by far is the new kitchen set with pots, pans and lots of the little fruits and veggies the velcro together. He is so proud that he can slice his own veggies and has been cooking up a storm. He makes lots of  soup, scrambled eggs and "butt sandwiches" (these came about from only having the ends of the bread left one day, of course Nathan had to make up a song about it and so it became Fin's favorite thing.) 

So far this week we have been to an indoor play area place where we did an art class with our friends Jen and Harper and Rebecca, Miles and Forrest. Fin made a handprint in some homemade playdough. Craftiness is not his forte I'm afraid and he had a fit that it wasn't a music class. Poor art teacher. I guess we'll stick with music related activities in the future.
 Today we met Holly and William and Kristi and Matteo for storytime at the library. Later this afternoon Nanna is coming over for some "butt sandwiches" made by Fin. Then tomorrow we are so excited to see our friends Sara and Amaya, who we haven't seen in forever! So it's a full week - the best kind :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


 It's always so exciting when I can catch a smile on film!
 Miss Ellie is ALWAYS riding in her moby style wrap. Fin woke up from his nap and decided Snoopy would be his baby for the day. He was too cute in with his puppy in his wrap!
 Fin blowing raspberries to make Ellie smile. Unfortunately he usually just ends up getting spit all over her. Luckily she doesn't usually seem to mind...
Pretty Baby Ella!

I'll write another full post in a few days... We're getting ready for Grandma and Grandpa P to come to town. So this weekend should be tons of fun!
Lastly, my favorite Fin quotes of the week so far:

Hey Mommy, Hey Mommy - I don't eat rhino poop. 
(He's a smart cookie)

And this morning while Nathan was counting some dollar bills -
Fin - "I NEED some moneys"
Mommy - "What do you need money for?"
Fin - "Rubber Bands."
Ok then.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Our first post!

Ok, it only took me 2 years and 2 kids, but I'm going to finally give this blogging thing a try. I really need to keep a record of these kiddos, Fin is growing up so fast I can hardly believe it. So here it is -  a record of the cutest kids in the world. Hopefully I can keep up with them :)

So what's Fin been up to lately? He loves singing songs. I love it too, his favorites right now are Take me out to the ballgame, Alphabet song, and Jingle Bells. He also loves storytime, which is normally more singing than stories. He really participates and is so good at all the "choreography".

 He is sports CRAZY and loves the Denver Nuggets. He can name more players than I can. I'll try to get a video soon. Hopefully we will be taking him to his first game this week. I can't wait!

He's been talking up a storm and can (and does) say anything now. He just cracks us up daily.
Today so far:

Mommy, I'm not supposed to pee pee on the baby. (good)


Asked to be wrapped in a blanket and carried like a baby and right away says "Awww cute - oh my little Mommy".

I'm a Nuggets player. I want some buttermilk. (these just didn't seem to go together to me but were presented as one thought). Also for the record, he didn't like the buttermilk.

I got a haircut, I'm really handsome. (love it)

Little Ella is doing great. She has got to be the best night time sleeping baby ever. She will sleep all day and all night as long as she's in a sling or being snuggled in bed. It's wonderful. She has discovered the mobile on her swing, so is really starting to like to spend some time there as well.

She has been smiling a lot, her gummy grin is adorable. Daddy can get the best smiles with his obnoxious "raspberry" noises. Hilarious. We can't wait for the first giggle!!!

She seems a little stressed out at times by her big brother. I suppose that's the way it is for little sisters. Hopefully she'll get used to his loud voice and constant poking at her. He loves counting her fingers - she's not a fan. But I bet she'll be able to count to 10 in record time.

There's actually a lot more I'd like to write, but it sounds like the little lady is up.
Wow, this wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Maybe I'll post again soon ;)!