Monday, December 10, 2012

Smarty Pants

"Mommy, if I'm growing so much all the time, how am I going to fit in your house when I'm 1000?"

Skyping with Nathan (who is in Iowa, an hour ahead of us) I commented that it looked like it was already so dark there and was still bright out here. Fin chimed in "Moooooommy, it isn't dark there, the skies are all connected!". Lol!

"Ellie, I'm a really great brother and a really smart brother for you, am I. I know you must love me so much."

Just now: Getting him in his pajamas, he's naked. He reaches down to "adjust" himself and something big falls out from between his ahh, boy bits. Me "what in the heck just fell out from under your pee pee?" Fin: "Oh it was just a piece of my nachos.".  Me "???" (ok we did have nachos for dinner but that was hours before and he was fully clothed at the time and who walks around and rides their bike all night with a nacho in their crotch?)

Fin: "When I have a house it will be a gold house and it will be where Daddy's band plays when they go up high in the plane"
Me: " Do you mean your house will be in Tahoe?"
Fin: "Yes. And it will have 20 bedrooms and no backdoor and no front door and no bathrooms. It will be my favorite house."

Fin: Lacking anything to use an acceptable hook - improvises with a clothespin "ARRRRG! I'm Captain Clip!"

Fin is more and more of a little man every day. I'm his Mom, so I could be biased ;), but he is so smart it blows my mind. He is well past the difficult times of being 2 and 3 and has been such a sweet boy and great helper lately. Tantrums are very few and far between. He is starting to enjoy his independence quite a bit, doing his music class by himself (I'm NOT allowed to come in at all).
He is such a sweet guy, he enjoys playing with girls over boys for the most part. Princesses, Daddys Band, Race Track, Trains and Restaurant are his favorite games. I love it but we are hoping he'll find his place among the other 3-4 year olds soon. Right now he struggles with the girls not wanting to play with him and the boys playing games that are "too dangerous and mean". Sigh, poor little boy. It breaks my heart sometimes.

12/09/12 Fin singing while playing his version of musical chairs "Ding ding ding dading dading" Nathan asks if he wrote that song himself. Fin "Yes, the name of the song is Beer Toots".

Playing "KIDS ON STAGE" (basically a board game thats like charades for little kids) - Fin is doing amazing, acting out things that I didn't even realize he knew. He is so proud and clearly trying to think of how to express how great he feels he is doing (I don't think he'd heard the term "I'm on fire!") Anyway, he is struggling to say something and suddenly exclaims "I AM JUST TOOTING IT OUT MY BUTT!" I guess it was the most dramatic thing he could think of. LOL!

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