Clean boy, post bath :)
Nathan has been struggling with a cold and cough lately. Which means that Fin periodically "feels pretty sick" as well. Today during a very dramatic coughing fit
I said "Ooooh Fin, are you OK?"
His reply "Well I'm sick and I really have a pretty bad Head Egg."
I think all of us love the car carts. Fin takes SUCH good care of his sister when they're driving around. Usually has his arm around her to "keep her safe". Unless she honks his horn. Then all bets are off.
Song made up in the car while waiting for Nathan to come out of the store:
Mommy, mama, mama - she's in here.
mama's driving, mama's driiiiiiiiiving.
She driving around and THEN
she opens her mouth then she closes it really fast so a bug doesn't get in there.
Then she drives around and around.
Then daddy comes out of the stooooooooooooooooooore!
(we were sitting still in a parking space - with the windows closed. I really couldn't guess where he got the part about the bug in the mouth?)
Carseat inside for a cleaning. So even though it's torture to get in it while it's in the car. It's the greatest toy ever when it's in the living room.
We've been talking a lot lately about "who is a son/daddy/daughter/mommy etc..."
So this morning he asks "who is My daughter?" I (always so quick) answer "ummmm"
Fin - "I'll tell you - my daughter is your wife!"
Bathtime. It's constant war for the bathtoys...
Fin: "Hey Ellie, I just wanted to tell you - STICKS can be sharp and poke you in the eye. LIPSTICK is for putting on your mouth". --- Good good advice.
Long walk home after a hard day of play!
Fin has really been missing Nathan lately. Between work and gigs, we don't see him nearly as often as we'd like. So before bed last Saturday, I tried to get him excited since Nathan was off all day on Sunday.
Me: Fin, Daddy will be home ALL day tomorrow to play with you. We can play toys and see him the whole day!"
Fin: "Yeah, IIIIIIIIII know. He'll be home tomorrow and we'll play toys and baseball and have fun for a little while. Then I will have to just go to bed. And then when I wake up it will be a work day again and Daddy will have to go right back to work."
Aaaaaaand just break my heart.......
Playing in the creek at the Children's Botanical Gardens