He thinks it's so funny when she pulls his hair and lets her do it on purpose.
He needed to be swaddled "Just like Ellie"
Fin has stuffed his jammie shirt and said "look at theeeese Nursies Mommy"
Blue Eyes :)
Storytime/Music time at the Tattered Cover bookstore
Umm, quintuple dunk! He said "look at THIS mommy!"
Fin quotes lately:
"Ellie will NOT be a cheerleader, Mommy. She's a girl. I'ma be a cheerleader."
(Asked if he wanted some lunch - he answered in a exasperated tone)
"Mom, I JUST had and yogurt pop AND a popsicle." Shakes his head at me and walks away.
After telling Fin to lay down in his bed while I went and got his milk for bedtime -
"Mommy I'm really sad."
Me: "why are you sad Fin"
"I'm just really sad at your mouth"
Fin: MOOOOOOOOMMMMMY. I can't sleep in my bed. I peed in there.
Me: You pee peed the bed?
Fin: Yes. I did.
I go inspect, the bed is soaked. really soaked.
Me: Fin are you sure this is pee pee.
Fin: Yes. I PEED THE BED!!!
Now I'm noticing the lid off the cup of water I had just given him and it's empty.
Me: Fin are you sure this is not water?
Fin: It's peppepeppepepepepeeeeee!
I can't believe the stinker, I know it's not pee pee. He swore up and down that it was. Too bad for him the bed was lined with waterproof pads, so 30 seconds later was stripped and dry. Nap time only slightly delayed. Score one Mommy.
Silly girl would not smile for a group pic.
Here's a pretty smile!
So lets see, where to start...?
Quick updates from the past month:
About a month or so ago Fin caught some sort of nasty virus which included a wicked fever that lasted several days. Normally this wouldn't be a big issue except that this time he was having (what I believe to be) febrile myoclonis. It was like a febrile seizure, sort of. But he had 4 of them and they didn't seem to affect him much. It was just like involuntary spasms that lasted only a couple seconds... Well it was enough to scare me into taking him to the ER to have him examined. They were afraid it might be Meningitis, so somehow talked me into letting them do a spinal tap and admitting him for the night. Needless to say it was an extremely unpleasant 48 hours. Though thankfully, he doesn't remember any of it now and would probably tell you it was all worth it since he got his favorite thing in the world as his good boy gift... Which brings me to THE GUITAR.
Fin is guitar CRAZY. crazy crazy crazy. He is either playing guitar (there are many versions - morning guitar: kinda quiet and slow, LOUD guitar, lunchtime guitar: not sure how this is different from LOUD though) or if not actually playing we are pretending to play. Pretty much 15+ hours a day. For a month and a half.
At his music class when his teacher gets out the guitar and asks what instrument is this? Fin loudly proclaims "AN ACOOOOUSTIC GUITAR!". Then he gives everyone a quick lesson on various varieties, "theres a Les Paul, a Strata caster, a Bass and the 'Cousic. Also, thankfully he really prefers to play with a pick. I am very happy about this since I am extremely paranoid about his fingers getting calloused from the strings. I see him being a lead singer though. I'm pretty sure we've got the 2025 winner of American Idol right here. The singing never ends. He knows so many songs. I LOVE IT!!!! :)
Playing at the Village where he has his Music Class
"Out came the sun and dried up all the rain"
Singing "You are my sunshine" under the parachute
Playing guitar with Miss Maureen, the love of his life
The Village has a little potty and Fin loves going "just like Daddy"
"Mommy, lets beepbeep these horns (on the playground steering wheel). NO Mommy not like that, say BeepBlllllll" (this was a noise I cannot make right with my tongue apparently) "NO don't put your hands like that, put them here and turn the wheel THIS way. Faster Mommy." And finally completely exasperated with me "Here Mommy I'll just help you like this (and this is all being said in his super high "baby talk" voice) "I'll just put my hands on your hands and help you and I'll say the beep beep and you pretend". So fun, plus I don't know if it's some kind of parental low when you two year old speaks condescendingly to you?
We are getting so excited for Rockies games to start. We have our first tickets on Sunday. Our little sports fan cannot wait. If he's half as excited about the Rockies as he had been about the Nuggets this season, I have a feeling we'll be season ticket holders in no time. Though it does seem that Basketball is his first passion. I'm afraid my genes may affect his dream of being a Nuggets player, as he has yet to hit the growth chart for his height... Luckily for now he is content to pretend. He always is Nene (his fav. player), I am Ty Lawson, Ellie is The Birdman and Daddy is Chauncey. He will not address the issue of the trades this season, I'm afraid it's just too much for the little man to take.
Ellie is developing her personality so quickly and so far is pretty much turning out to be Fin's opposite in every way. She is so outgoing and flirtatious. People walking down the street just stop in their tracks, her smile is hilarious. She rides around in the wrap looking like she just hit the lottery. I can't tell you how many times I've been talking to someone and they have to stop (at the store, at the Dr, etc...) and say "I'm so sorry I just can't even concentrate with her smiling and laughing at me. She's just so stinkin cute.
Not to say she can't switch gears on the turn of a dime. Because I'm assuring you the girl can scream. She absolutely hates her car seat and 99% of the time that she's in it she just howls like she's gonna die. The funny thing is that Fin (who still faces backward and doesn't mind the car seat a bit) can just sleep right through it. Seriously nearly hours of all out blood curdling screams and he doesn't even flinch. Sorta weird. I guess that's my good sleeper.
Otherwise she is just growing up so fast. She loves to be a part of things. Out to eat, she prefers to sit on the table and be a part of the conversation. She absolutely worships the ground her brother walks on. He barely needs to try to have her belly laughing like no one else can. She stares at him constantly and will sit with him every morning for Sesame Street. If Fin says it's cool, she's all about it. I LOVE it, he is an amazing big brother and I so look forward to seeing their relationship develop. He is just dying for her to be able to play with him. I'm guessing she wont appreciate the constant bossing around though. We shall see...
Well, I think that's long enough for now. We recently took a trip down to TX to visit Pompa and Grandma Babe. So that will be another story... :)
Loving Daddy for his 31st bday
Just what every two year old wants: Scotch
So happy in her Jumpyroo
Fin gets a guitar lesson from Uncle Danny
I love this picture!